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How to Update WooCommerce Price in Bulk

There are a couple of reasons, why you may need to massively change WooCommerce prices: maybe exchange rates changed, or maybe your manufacturer or carrier decided to change their rates, or maybe you want to make a discount.

The possibility to update WooCommerce price massively is just necessary in such cases. Say, you want to increase or decrease the price of the products related to a specific category by 5%. Or maybe you want to update prices for all the products of your store. This can be easily reached with no need to perform any programmatical manipulations. Keep reading and find out how you can do this.

Store Manager for WooCommerce comes with Mass Changer tool that allows massive edits of product prices. It is possible to perform the following operations with Regular Price or Sale Price:

  • Increase by value
  • Decrease by value
  • Increase by %
  • Decrease by %
  • Set to specific value
  • Use expression to set the prices

How to Update WooCommerce Price in Bulk

In order to properly configure WooCommerce bulk price update via Mass Changer, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to Store Manager dashboard, open 'Catalog' tab and launch Mass Changer.

  2. WooCommerce Mass Product Changer for Price Update
    WooCommerce Mass Product Changer for Price Update

  3. From the 'Select field' drop-down, choose the data field you want to update (Sale price or Regular price in our case).

  4. Sale Price in WooCommerce Mass Product Changer
    Sale Price in WooCommerce Mass Product Changer

  5. After selecting the field, 'Select action' drop-down will appear, so you have to select one of the above listed actions.

  6. Increase WooCommerce Sale Price by Percentage
    Increase WooCommerce Sale Price by Percentage

  7. After choosing the action, there will appear a field containing a calculator. Use it to specify the value/ percentage you want to decrease or increase the prices by.

  8. Calculator for Price Update in WooCommerce Mass Changer
    Calculator for Price Update in WooCommerce Mass Changer

  9. On the top of the window find 'Update Selected Items Only' and 'Update All Items in Store' options. Select the necessary one.

  10. Update WooCommerce Sale Price for All Products or Selected
    Update WooCommerce Sale Price for All Products or Selected

  11. Press 'Preview' to check the updates in a table. Having checked them press Back.

  12. Preview Updated WooCommerce Sale Price
    Preview Updated WooCommerce Sale Price

  13. When you are done with the configurations, press OK.

Find more details on how to put WooCommerce products on sale.

You can save the configurations and use them during the further updates.

Save or Load WooCommerce Price Update Configuration
Save or Load WooCommerce Price Update Configuration

As you might have noticed, Mass Changer tool allows simultaneous applying bulk changes to various data fields, such as stock, SKU's, shipping classes, tax classes, descriptions etc. You can do this by pressing 'Add line' button and configuring new updates in the same window. You just need to select necessary fields from the drop-down. That means that you can update a couple of data fields at one time what makes Store Manager exceptionally useful.

Try advanced WooCommerce massive price update for 14 days FREE

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