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Export WooCommerce Categories to Google Sheets

Export of WooCommerce categories to Google Sheets is really convenient when you need to quickly view or edit category data. Export to Google Sheets spares you from the “save as-open file-save file-upload file” steps. Besides, it allows you to share the file with your colleagues or contractor.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to export a category tree to a Google spreadsheet and tweak the export according to your tasks.

Export WooCommerce Categories with Details to a Spreadsheet

Here is a brief overview of the possibilities you get while exporting categories with Store Manager:

  • Export category tree (all or selected categories)
  • Specify delimiter for hierarchy
  • Use SQL expressions to edit data on the go
  • Download category image
  • Save export settings for the future

Let’s go through all the export steps together now to see how it works in practice.

If you don’t have Store Manager installed yet, download a free trial, install the app and connect it to your store database. When the connection is established, you’ll see all your store data displayed.

The category tree will appear next to the menu. If you want to export just specific categories or subcategories, select them with a mouse holding the Shift button.

To launch the Category Export wizard, click the icon on the toolbar.

Icon to launch WooCommercce Store Manager Category Spreadsheet Export Wizard
Press icon to launch Category Spreadsheet Export Wizard

The three-step wizard will launch to guide you through the procedure.

In step 1, you’re supposed to select where to save the data which is Google Sheets in our example.

You need to connect to your Google account first. For that, click Add Account and enter a name for the cloud storage.

WooCommerce Store Manager Add Google Account
Add your Google Drive to export categories to

Authorize with your Google credentials and allow access to Store Manager.

Allow Access For Store Manager
Allow Store Manager addon to access your Google Drive

After you’ve connected, browse your Google Drive to select a sheet to export categories to or create a new one:

WooCommerce Category Export Select Sheet
Select or create a sheet to export categories

In step 2, pick the fields that you want to add to the file. To add specific fields, select them in the left pane and double click to add to the export file. For instance, you might want to mass edit category descriptions for SEO. In this case, you can export just taxonomy terms, category names, and descriptions.

If you, though, need to export all fields, click the top arrow icon:

WooCommerce Category Export Fields
Select category fields to export

In step 3, you should specify whether you want to export all or selected categories. Also, you can expand the Advanced Options section to fine-tune the export.

Thus, you can specify a hierarchy indicator: the slash (\), the greater than (>) sign or the colon (:) sign.

If you want to save category images locally, check this option and select a folder on your PC where images will be saved.

When you’ve finished with the setting, press Export.

WooCommerce Categories Exported Spreadsheet
Check exported categories in the spreadsheet

Let’s now check the export outcome. As you can see, all categories with their details are now available in the spreadsheet:

You can now share the spreadsheet or edit data and import categories back in the same seamless way.

Use Store Manager to export WooCommerce categories to Google Sheets!

Try now FREE
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