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Export WooCommerce Customers

Looking for a flexible way to export WooCommerce customers? Maybe you need the ability to choose the fields that are going to be included in the exported file, extract only a part of your customer list, get spreadsheet with user data to upload into a new website or simply want to use it for marketing campaigns.

Unfortunately, default Woocommerce does not offer you tools to export user accounts. In this case you can use an alternative way to export WooCommerce customers. In this article it will be demonstrated how to easily download customer details to the files of different formats with Store Manager for WooCommerce application.

Extract Customers List in Just One Click

Store Manager for WooCommerce offers several built-in export formats along with tons of filters such as user roles, date ranges, etc you will be able to make refined customer lists, so that you can ensure that exported file will meet your exact needs.

After necessary customers were selected, grid export allows you to download info you filtered into .csv, .xml, .xls, .xlsx, .html, .txt file, choosing the format that suits the best for your business with the single mouse-click.

Export WooCommerce Customers to Different File Formats
Export WooCommerce Customers to Different File Formats

Note, this type of export, brinds into the file only the fields that are shown in your customer list. So, if there are some fields that you want to be included in the export, you have to make them visible in the grid before you do the export.

WooCommerce Customer Data Preview Before Export
WooCommerce Customer Data Preview Before Export

Export WooCommerce Customers Info to CSV

If the reason why you need to export WooCommerce customers data is specific, for example, creating an email campaign, you need only your customer name and email. Therefore, exporting all the data for all the customers is usually not very practical.

Store Manager for WooCommerce allows you to choose customers you would like to export as well as data to save to CSV by creating custom export. This is also useful if you need to re-order, modify columns, or merge fields.

Moreover, exports can be batch-processed without any timeout risk using bridge type of database connection in the app. This way you can ensure that thousands of records can be processed, while you continue working on your site.

To get necessary customer data out of WooCommerce, you need to follow a few simple steps:

  1. Getting Started
  2. When you open the Customers tab/ Users section of the menu, you will see customer list page. You will notice “Export Data” button on the customer toolbar or from the context menu. Clicking on it, you will see the window where you can make export settings.

    Export WooCommerce Customers Data Option
    Export WooCommerce Customers Data Option

    The first thing you need to specify is location for your output file. It can be saved locally or uploaded to a remote server via FTP.

    WooCommerce Customers Export File Location
    WooCommerce Customers Export File Location

  3. Configuring Export Fields
  4. At “Fields to Export” step you can create your own WooCommerce customer export that contains only the information that you need. Select what exactly columns with data to include in result file from the list of available fields. Use navigation buttons in the middle of the page or drag fields you wish to export from the left and drop them to the right part of the page.

    WooCommerce Customer Fields for Export
    WooCommerce Customer Fields for Export

    If you need to customize some data before export, use special expression formulas to merge or modify columns on the fly.

  5. Export Processing
  6. At the last step of export you can configure advanced export options and run the procedure.

WooCommerce Customer Export Advanced Options
WooCommerce Customer Export Advanced Options

In a few seconds you will see window with exported file preview and ability to select post-export action.

WooCommerce Customer Export File Preview
WooCommerce Customer Export File Preview

That’s it! Sit back and enjoy your easily exported customers!

Export WooCommerce customers with custom selection of fields!


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