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How to Add WooCommerce Category

Product categorization is an essential task for a webstore owner. It is the best way to navigate visitors on your store and prevent them from scrolling through dozens of products when looking for a necessary one.

Let's have a deeper insight into adding categories in WooCommerce admin and via Store Manager.

How to Add WooCommerce Categories in the Backend?

WooCommerce offers two ways of category addition: on product page or in category management section. Let's consider both of them.

Sometimes, you may need to add a new category while editing or adding a new item to quickly assign it to the newly created category. WooCommerce allows to do this in the following way:

  1. When editing the product, find a 'Product categories' section.

  2. WooCommerce Category Structure
    WooCommerce Category Structure

  3. Under the category list find '+Add new category' button and specify its name and parent category.

  4. Add New Category In WooCommerce Admin
    Add New Category In WooCommerce Admin
  5. After the category is added, the product being edited is automatically assigned to it. To unassign the item, just uncheck this category box.

The above stated method is quite eliminated as it allows only to indicate the category name and parent category and is used if instant category addition is necessary.

Using the next method, you can specify category slug, description and add category image.

  1. From WooCommerce admin go to 'Products' => 'Categories' and fill in the required information.

  2. Add New WooCommerce Category Details
    Add New WooCommerce Category Details

    How to Add WooCommerce Category in Store Manager?

    The main benefit of managing categories via Store Manager is that all options related to category management are comprised together and can be selected from the same toolbar. Especially convenient is the possibility to perform export or .csv import of specific categories right away.

    In order to add a category via Store Manager, perform the following steps:

    1. Open the 'Catalog' tab and find 'Products' grid on the left. There is a couple of options available on the categories toolbar, namely: add/edit/delete category, import/export categories.

    2. Available Options in Store Manager for Categories Management
      Available Options in Store Manager for Categories Management

    3. Store Manager allows to view both categories section and product list side by side. By clicking on category you get the list of items included there. Such convenient and practical location of sections produces the possibility of comprehensive category management.

    4. WooCommerce Category Section and Its Product List Side by Side
      WooCommerce Category Section and Its Product List Side by Side

    5. To quickly fill the category with products, highlight necessary items and move to Edit product grid. Then check the newly created category.

    6. Assign Products to Newly Created WooCommerce Category
      Assign Products to Newly Created WooCommerce Category

    7. Below you can add or change the image of your category. You can choose an image from Store Manager gallery by pressing 'Select' button or upload it from your computer.

    8. Assign the Image to New WooCommerce Gallery
      Assign the Image to New WooCommerce Gallery

    Store Manager allows to view both category section and product list side by side. By clicking on category you get the list of items included there. Such convenient and practical location of sections produces the possibility of comprehensive category management.

    Add WooCommerce category using free 14-days trial version

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