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WooCommerce Attributes Management

Since WooCommerce attributes management requires high thoroughness and accuracy, Store Manager for WooCommerce is ready to provide you with all necessary tools to keep your attributes data well structured.

Configuring attributes with Store Manager includes only two stages - creating attributes and filling them with values. The process can be accomplished within one window divided into four grids, so you can easily reach and edit any attribute detail.

What Are WooCommerce Attributes?

Attributes are any details characterizing a product. These include either its physical properties (size, color, material etc.), and some technical information about the product (status in store, description, SKU number etc). Unlike product features, attributes designate a set of such product details, which can stand as options for shoppers when adding an item to cart.

WooCommerce Product Attributes on the Front End
WooCommerce Product Attributes on the Front End

How to Create WooCommerce Attributes From Back-End and Assign Them to Products?

Attributes serve as a frame holding your merchandise. Consequently, before importing or manually adding your products to store, you first need to generate attributes. After that you can add items to appropriate attributes. Otherwise, you will waste a lot of time creating attributes for each and every product manually.

Here is a few-steps manual of how to create WooCommerce attributes from the back office of your store:

  1. Find 'Products' section on the admin toolbar and select its 'Attributes' subsection. Here you can add new attributes and modify or remove the existing ones. If you add a new attribute in the admin section, Specify new attribute's name and slug and then click on Configure terms for the attribute that you want to use as variable to add a new terms. On the next step, add needed conditions and save them

  2. WooCoommerce Product Attributes Menu in the Admin
    WooCoommerce Product Attributes Menu in the Admin

  3. To assign an item to attribute, find the product edit page (Products>>All Products), scroll down and find Product data section>>Attributes. Use 'Custom product attribute' drop-down menu to select necessary attribute group and press 'Save attributes'.

Custom Product Attribute Settings in the Admin
Custom Product Attribute Settings in the Admin

How to Create Attributes Using Store Manager for WooCommerce?

Managing WooCommerce attributes with Store Manager becomes clearly structured allowing to conveniently organize your merchandise according to the attributes you have created.

Follow these steps to generate attributes with the help of Store Manager:

  1. Switch to 'Catalog' tab and open 'Attributes' section. You will find a four-grid window where you can add attributes and their terms (options).

  2. Attributes Section in WooCommerce Store Manager
    Attributes Section in WooCommerce Store Manager

  3. To add an attribute, press 'Add' button and switch to the left lower grid. Here you can set your attribute. Type its name and slug (for example, S for Small). Specify if the attribute has to be available for customers on the front-end by checking or unchecking the 'Public' box.

  4. Attributes and Terms in Store Manager for WooCommerce
    Attributes and Terms in Store Manager for WooCommerce

  5. Once the attribute is added, you can start filling it with terms. Press 'Add' button in the right upper grid and go down to the right lower grid and set up the attribute terms. To save the settings, press 'Apply'.

  6. WooCommerce Attribute Terms Setting
    WooCommerce Attribute Terms Setting

If you want to save the attributes data for report purposes or else, you can export it to local file by pressing on 'Export grid' drop-down menu and selecting necessary file format.

WooCommerce Attributes and Terms Export to the File
WooCommerce Attributes and Terms Export to the File

Now, when all necessary attributes are created, you can assign items to suitable attributes in the process of product import. To assign an item to a specific attribute, open 'Attributes' tab in 'Edit' grid and select it from the attributes drop-down menu.

Using Store Manager allows to accomplish lots of manipulations with the products and their attributes within one application where every function and option can be easily reached and applied.

Handle WooCommerce attributes with no extra work with Store Manager!

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david • 11/04/2021

Hello, it is impossible to add Color code ?

WooCommerce Store ManagerMod david • 11/04/2021

Hello David,
Could you please elaborate on what you mean by "add Color code"? Please, describe your task in more detail. Waiting for your reply.