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How to Create Woocommerce Downloadable Product

WooCommerce downloadable products configuration is highly important and requires clear algorithm. You can easily lose a customer, if there’s no link to download the product, or the file is wrong or absent at all. Thus, everything needs to be right at its place.

In this article we are going to find out how to create WooCommerce downloadable products from the backend and using Store Manager. But first, let's figure out what products can be defined as downloadable.

What Are WooCommerce Downloadable Products

This type of goods includes all digital products that can be downloaded as a file, e.i. programs, music, videos, games etc. To assure your customers, that the product is real, you can present its piece or trial variant on the product page.

Add WooCommerce Downloadable Product From Backend

  1. Go to 'Products' section and press 'Add new'. Scroll down to product data and tick the 'Downloadable' box.

  2. Create WooCommerce Downloadable Product in the Admin
    Create WooCommerce Downloadable Product in the Admin

  3. Set sale prices. You can schedule prices selecting the start and end dates.

  4. Se the Price for WooCommerce Downloadable Product
    Se the Price for WooCommerce Downloadable Product

  5. Upload the file and specify its name and URL to be downloaded from. In case you want to add a few files, press 'Add file' and upload more files.
  6. Fill in the following information: download limit (means the maximum of times the product can be downloaded); download expiry (if you want the link to be unavailable after some time, enter the number of days for it to be active).

    Downloadable File Adding for WooCommerce Downloadable Product
    Downloadable File Adding for WooCommerce Downloadable Product

  7. Proceed to the next steps, namely Inventory, Shipping, Linked Products (up-sell or cross-sell), Attributes and Advanced Settings.

  8. Inventory and Attribues Data of WooCommerce Downloadable Product
    Inventory and Attribues Data of WooCommerce Downloadable Product

  9. Add media (picture, video) and provide product description.

Short Description of WooCommerce Downloadable Product
Short Description of WooCommerce Downloadable Product

How to Create WooCommerce Downloadable Products via Store Manager

    Store Manager for WooCommerce allows performing all downloadable product configurations within one grid. Actually, all functions provided on the backend are duplicated here.

  1. Open Products section and press 'Add New' button.

  2. Add New WooCommerce Downloadable Product in Store Manager
    Add New WooCommerce Downloadable Product in Store Manager

  3. Find product edit form in the lower grid. Select product type from the drop-down menu and tick 'Downloadable' box.

  4. Downloadable Checkbox in WooCommerce Product Edit From
    Downloadable Checkbox in WooCommerce Product Edit From

  5. In the 'General' tab specify basic information about the product. The fields are identical as on the backend.

  6. Basic WooCommerce Downloadable Product Information
    Basic WooCommerce Downloadable Product Information

  7. Move to 'Downloadable' files tab. Press + to add a file. Specify its name and URl. to add more files, press + again.

  8. WooCommerce Downloadable Files Settings in Store Manager
    WooCommerce Downloadable Files Settings in Store Manager

  9. Fill in 'Inventory' and 'Shopping' information.

  10. Inventory and Shipping Details of WooCommerce Downloadable Product
    Inventory and Shipping Details of WooCommerce Downloadable Product

  11. You can link the product with other items for up-selling or cross-selling in the 'Linked Products' tab.

  12. Linked Products Tab in WooCommerce Downloadable Product Settings
    Linked Products Tab in WooCommerce Downloadable Product Settings

  13. Fill in the 'Attributes, 'Advanced', and 'Caterory' association. You can also add product tags here. Select existing tag or add new one pressing 'Add' button. Please note, that this possibility is unavailable among downloadable product configurations on WooCommerce backend.

  14. WooCommerce Downloadable Product Tags
    WooCommerce Downloadable Product Tags

  15. To add image to the product, open 'Gallery' tab and choose the file. You can also use local Store Manager’s Media library and attach files from there. The library allows you to filter media files: All items, Music, Video etc. Add 'Custom Fields' if needed.

WooCommerce Downloadable Product Gallery
WooCommerce Downloadable Product Gallery

Store Manager accumulated all standard and exclusive tools for efficient WooCommerce product management in one place. You can create a fully-featured downloadable product, update it and perform its export and import. Besides functions duplicated from WooCommerce backend, Store Manager allows also to add tags right during the product creation.

Create WooCommerce downloadable products using free trial version Try Free

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